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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Where to Find a New Board of Directors: Gavin Give-A-Hoot Wants to Change the System

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Where to Find a New Board of Directors: Gavin Give-A-Hoot Wants to Change the System

Gavin’s decision to find new people for the board of directors was faster made than done. He started reading the bylaws sentence by sentence to discover that the board of directors has to be elected every two years. He was happy to see this because it had already been two years since the last election of the board.

He started trying to find candidates, but where should Gavin start to look? It is hard to find people to volunteer anyway.

While he was sitting at his desk in his home office trying to figure out how he could find suitable candidates, his wife came in to ask if he already wrote the yearly donation check to the afterschool program.

Gavin got an idea. He went down the list of loyal donors and found a few names that would fit as members of the Board of Directors.

He made himself a check list:

  • Sharing a passion for the mission of the organization           
  • Strong ties to the community       
  • Willingness to help hands-on     
  • Supporting efforts to raise money           
  • Commitment to participate in all meetings

“Great!” he thought, “but are there more ways to find good candidates?” He asked himself. “Let me see if there is anyone I know who serves at other boards.” He started researching other organization’s websites and discovered that a few of the members of the Tinyville Arts Council were serving on Boards of other local organizations.

While Gavin was planning to get a new Board of Directors together, the phone rang. It was Jane Know-it-all (President) and Brian No-decision (Vice President). They were on the line to complain that Gavin’s move would destroy the Arts Council.

See how Gavin Give-A-Hoot will handle this conflict.

Ways to find active members for your Board:
  • Regular donors and patrons
  • Active board members of other organizations
  • Well-known members of the community
  • Local business owners
Many people would jump in and help by serving on the board of an organization, but they never were asked to step up.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Time to change - Gavin Give-A-Hoot plans to change the Board of Directors

Time to change - Gavin Give-A-Hoot plans to change the Board of Directors

It has been over a year now since the Tinyville Arts Council came together. Gavin wrote many emails this year to get the members of the board to meet so they can make plans for next season. It ate him up that everyone seemed to be too busy to meet, and they all just sent emails around to make sure everyone did his or her part.

Gavin was concerned about this behavior, that it would lead to complaints and possibly losing the organization’s 501(c) 3 status. Gavin had learned from books and seminars that every nonprofit organization has to have public meetings as a part of their status.

He was tired of reading all the emails from Mrs. Know-it-all, who is still the president. The program has not changed for the last few years; there was nothing new, and everyone seems to just follow the lead without question. There was no plan in place about how to create a new program or how to find a way to fulfill the needs of the community. The strategic plan that the Tinyville Arts Council created last year never got finished, and the good ideas we had never got implemented because the board didn’t come together often enough. Another problem that is becoming more and more threatening to the organization is that members and board members are losing interest in the Arts Council.

Gavin was talking to his wife one night, and he decided it was time to change everything. Full of energy, he started calling all the board members to have a board meeting the next morning. Now the next thing to do is to get as many members of the Tinyville Arts Council together as possible to come to the meeting. He used Facebook Invitation and email as a tool to reach out. It is fast and free.

His agenda:

  • Summary of the last year’s program
  • Report from the Treasurer
  • Discuss next season
  • Release the Board of Directors
  • Voting for a new Board of Directors

He tried to find a date for the meeting that many could attend, and also that gave him enough time to find people who are interested in a new direction.

Stay tuned to see how the Give-A-Hoots change the world of this small volunteer organization.